Wetcit Neo

Adjuvant with a unique combination of ingredients to enhance wetting, spreading and penetration properties.

Enhance the wetting, spreading and penetration properties and will extend the coverage of the spray combinations into hard to reach areas – especially good on water repellent plant surfaces and crops with dense foliage.
Improves knockdown action of pesticides by improving contact with waxy layers of insects and external hydrophobic structures of fungi.
Does not reduce photosynthesis or transpiration often associated with the application of mineral and traditional vegetable oils.

WETCIT NEO® is an adjuvant with a unique combination of ingredients (ORONEO® Technology) that drastically reduces the surface tension of water, producing uniform droplets of the mixture when applied. WETCIT NEO is designed for use in tank mixtures with most agrochemicals registered for use in agriculture, horticulture and turf production. What ORONEO® technology is:

ORONEO® technology comprehends a unique blend of botanical oils, proprietary surfactants and other ingredients. Our plant-based solvents are cold-pressed and extracted from a by-product of the agricultural industry and are, therefore, a completely renewable and natural resource.This extraction method provides highly stable solvents that are safer for the farmer, plants and the environment. They allow for a wide variety of tank mixes compatible with our adjuvant portfolio.*

* Rovensa Next is a global business unit that delivers solutions for agriculture around the globe. The information shared here may vary depending on the geography. To confirm the product is available in your country or in case of any questions or for additional information, please contact us using the provided form. Thank you.

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